• Only registered guests may be on The Bird House premises
  • The Bird House at Lily Dale check in time is 3:00 pm
  • The Bird House check out time is 11:00 am
  • We are a nonsmoking property. No smoking of tobacco or marijuana, vaping, aromatherapy, smudging or incense
  • Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at The Bird House; this is also a Lily Dale Assembly rule posted at the entrance gate and around the grounds
  • Internet access is for registered guests only. Please do not share Bird House WiFi access details.
  • Please keep voices low as many visit on personal retreat and value the quiet surroundings
  • We do not have televisions in guest rooms; if you plan to stream audio or video content on your device(s), please bring headphones
  • The Bird House is not responsible for items lost, stolen or left behind. Please double-check your room upon your departure as we will not ship items left behind.
  • If something breaks, or needs attention during your stay please let Lauren know: TEXT 716-219-1188

Thank you for understanding that The Bird House’s policies are not meant to deprive anyone, but exist to create a safe and comfortable environment for all our guests.

Enjoy your stay in Lily Dale!

Your hosts, “Dr. Lauren” & “Mr. Ed” Thibodeau