In homage to “Papa” Thibodeau, a dedicated birder who traveled worldwide to over 90 countries building his life list–and who spent many summer afternoons in a porch rocker at our previous home in Lily Dale–the five guest rooms are named after birds found year-round here in Lily Dale–except for the Hummingbird Room as hummingbirds abound all summer here, and because they’re just cool little critters.

The Goldfinch Room #4

$189.00 per night (plus 13% local taxes)

This room features one double (full) bed and accommodates one person. The Goldfinch Room overlooks Library St and Assembly Hall. Goldfinch is ideal for solo travelers who prefer to be closest to the shared bathrooms, which are directly across from it. A guest favorite. 

The Cardinal Room #5

$189.00 per night (plus 13% local taxes)

This room features two twin (single) beds and accommodates one or two persons. One bed is adjustable for those who prefer to elevate their head or feet. The Cardinal Room overlooks Library St and is situated just next to the two shared bathrooms. It’s also our quietest room as it’s furthest from Cleveland Ave. 

The Bird House Welcomes You to Lily Dale!